There are several methods, they vary in duration of action and the need to use medication:
- Inexpensive - training complexes and schemes and diet regimens
- Purchase and use of medical products for augmentation, traditional tools, specialized equipment.
- Use of attachments.
- The radical method is surgery.

Is this possible in principle?
Most males ask this question. According to anatomical data, the male genital organ has the structure of muscle tissue, so it can be trained.
How is the size of the male member adjusted
Here are facts from theory for the curious, if this is not interesting to you, then just move on.
Penis size depends on heredity, race, physiological characteristics, etc.
Physiological factors include:
- the amount of hormones produced - as soon as a young man reaches puberty, the glands that produce the male hormone begin to work. The future parameters of the genitals depend on the intensity and quantity;
- attitude towards one's health - here the crucial indicators are a normal and stable diet and a prudent lifestyle, and most importantly healthy;
- blood supply - good collection and growth of organs are ensured by good regulation of blood;
- elasticity - sponge-like tissues are saturated with blood and give themselves better alignment, this has a good effect on changing the length of the penis in a positive direction. The higher the elasticity, the better the saturation;
- pathology - diseases of the reproductive system or damage interfere with the normal development of the penis.
Characteristics of the structure include:
- age - on average, the development of an organ takes up to twenty years;
- genotype - what is encoded in DNA cells cannot be influenced from within;
- racial affiliation - in order to reduce the length of the body, there are first dark-skinned races, then European nationalities, followed by representatives of Asian countries.
According to medical reports, the standard size of the penis is from 13 to 16 cm.
The most important ways
All the useful techniques for changing the penis can be conditionally distinguished in two types - alternative and radical. In the latter, we have to talk about surgical interventions like plastics and other surgical processes.
The most accessible alternative group includes:
- a complex specifically aimed at penis enlargement, exercises for muscle development;
- special massage that improves blood circulation;
- masturbation, as the most popular and well-known method, also improves blood circulation;
- a diet that promotes adequate hormone production and affects the development of muscle tissue.
To enhance the effect of a particular method and to consolidate the result, an integrated approach should be followed. In this case, you should rely on a good result for several months, depending on the measures taken.
There are two types of exercises, the action of which affects different indicators. The exercises are:
- increased tissue elasticity;
- improving blood circulation in the reproductive system.

Before proceeding directly to exercise, you should warm the body, for example, with a hot shower or something like a light massage, you can simply wrap it in a warm towel for a few minutes.
The principle of operation is the extension of the sponge material. Another name for the technique is milking due to characteristic movements. In addition to the effect on the tissues, blood flow is improved, which gives about two to three centimeters increase.
Jelqing is of the following types:
- Wet - this method is more suitable for beginners. We take a greasy cream and apply it on the skin. We make progressive massage movements, then the base of the penis is caught with the thumb and forefinger. We move the closed fingers to the head, increasing the pressure. We do not touch the head, we do it in a few passes.
- Dry - after a while after the wet method, you can continue to dry. Everything is the same here, only we use the whole palm. The main thing is to perform all the maneuvers carefully, trying not to damage the scalp tissue.
In the initial stage, it is worth doing the exercises for 5 minutes and gradually increase, but treat with caution.
The direction of these actions is to "stretch" the penis. Let us examine them in more detail:
- Normal extension. We grab the head of the organ with our right hand, then we have to pull it out of ourselves as much as possible and hold it for a few seconds. We alternate these movements alternately, performing them now to the right, then to the left, until painful sensations appear. After completing several ways, to consolidate the effect, we perform the descending exercise.
- Circular movements. Grasp the head of the penis with one hand and pull forward, then adjust it for a few seconds. Then we make a movement upwards, gently rotating in a circle, until the body assumes its initial position, at the end, gently massage the penis. One approach is performed 25 times, rotation - for a few seconds.
- Exercises in a sitting position. Before starting this exercise, you should gently massage and enlarge your penis by half. Now, take the penis from the head and start pulling it slowly down along the trajectory up to the buttocks, then sit on it.
- Continuous extension. For this exercise, the body should be at rest. We grab the head of the penis with a ring from the fingers of the hand and pull the penis forward as far as possible for a few seconds. In parallel, it is necessary to gradually increase the pressure with the second-hand thumb at the base. Draw a line with this finger from the base to the head and back. Stop exercising if you feel pain.
Let’s apply the load
A rather unpleasant procedure has a good effect. With its help, the genital organ will not grow, but only lengthen, due to its thinning. It is recommended to empty the bladder before exercising before and after warming the penis.
For beginners, a small load is appropriate. A set of exercises is performed in 20-30 minutes - a few approaches and a few minutes break between them. During the break, do jelqing or massage.
Further, one of the popular methods is massage. It involves the use of a lubricant.
What are the advantages of massage:
- you can do it yourself;
- has a good effect on potency;
- does not bring consequences.

There are several types of massages for our purposes:
- Jelqing is a technique already considered, when a man has to drop the penis bell at the base of the trunk with one hand, grab the head with the other and then perform stretching exercises, the nature of the exercise is similar to caterpillar movements.
- Uli-jelqing - the body is wrapped with one hand, fixed for 40 seconds, and so on for several approaches. There are also double ulys and opposite ulys.
- Thai massage - we start the body massage from the buttocks, then the stimulation of the anus, the gentle massage of the penis and in the knee-elbow position, the extension exercises are performed from the base of the penis to the head.
- Tao - we grab the base of the torso of the penis with a ring of fingers and perform squeezing movements directed from the base to the head. This is necessary to carry blood to the head of the penis. The finger ring should be fixed in the extreme position for a few to ten seconds.
- Twister - close the thumb and forefinger and grasp the base of the trunk with our right hand, with the left grip the penis in the region of the head, gradually begin to increase the pressure of the press and then make movements as in the wash
- Compression - with both hands, on the other hand, we begin to squeeze the organ slightly, the big toe should fall into the depression in the scrotum and make translational movements from the base of the trunk to the top and back.
- Folds - with the right hand we ring the base of the trunk, with the left we take the head. Now our task is to make slight baggage turns in arbitrary directions. During turns, it is best to keep the penis in a bent position for a short time.
Here it is also worth starting with the preparation of the organ through a warm bath or compress, you can warm it with the help of characteristic stroke movements. If pain occurs, it is worth discontinuing.
This method is also suitable for penis enlargement. The main thing is to adhere to the following rules:
- prepare the body with a warm bath or massage;
- use a gel or lubricant to increase the length and thickness of the phallus;
- achieve maximum erection;
- make a ring from the fingers and move progressively from the root of the penis to the head;
- gradually increases the pressure slightly;
- finish pouring.
What to eat for penis enlargement
This is most suitable for young people under the age of 21 or under the age of 24. It is necessary to exclude uneducated food from the diet and switch to the following diet:
- watermelon - increases blood flow to the groin area;
- seafood - a good aphrodisiac, increases the release of testosterone into the blood;
- white products - a building material for strengthening and building muscle mass, including the muscles of the penis, also improves sperm quality;
- greens - rich in vitamin C, destroys excess cholesterol and toxins, dilutes the blood, improving its circulation, increases the release of hormones;
- nuts - helps to increase natural testosterone production;
- Honey is a useful product for the promotion of overall health, prevents diseases, inflammation, promotes good metabolism and stabilizes hormone levels.

First of all, exclude carbonated, sweet, smoked, instant and fatty drinks.
If simple methods do not work, it does not mean that there are no other ways. You can use medicines produced in different forms: gels, creams. Specialized lubricants are created to help change the size of the penis. Their action is as follows:
- herbal ingredients help improve blood circulation and satiety of muscle tissue;
- help to improve the elastic properties and extensibility of smooth muscle and tissue;
- increases the release of testosterone into the bloodstream in a natural way without the need for the use of hormonal drugs;
- patience and tone increase;
- erection rate, quality of sex life increases.

Lubricants of this action are available in various forms. The most common of these are day gels, drops, sprays or oils.
Are there any penis enlargement pills?
There are no easy ways. Exactly, as well as pills, which would be specifically aimed at penis enlargement.
All funds in composition and principle of operation are of the following two types:
- hormonal pills - they are prescribed only by a doctor according to the indications;
- Synthetic stimulants - cause vasodilation and increase blood circulation, have a temporary effect.
There is no medication that allows you to adjust the size of the penis as desired.
The most effective creams and gels of the day
With their help, you can achieve the greatest results. Preparations contain mainly natural substances. There are the following groups:
- Quick-acting creams - they are used a few minutes before the start of sexual intercourse, frequent use guarantees a few extra inches visually, but on the contrary it is only for a limited time.
- Auxiliary ointments - they are recommended to be used as an aid and warm-up immediately before the exercises that are considered, for other purposes they will not bring any benefit
- Penis enlargement gels - if you use the product sufficiently and clearly for the intended purpose, respecting all recipes, combining with proper nutrition, massage, exercises, then the result obtained can be fixed for a long time.
Penis enlargement supplements
On the shelves of pharmacies you can find medicines for penis enlargement in the form of dietary supplements. As a rule, these preparations contain only natural products. They work like this:
- promote the expansion of blood vessels in the groin area;
- improve blood circulation and blood flow to the cavernous bodies and sponge;
- favor improving potency, lust and erection.
Traditional ways and means
Traditional medicine remains the most popular method of all time. With its help, men have always achieved their goals with the right approach. Its action improves blood circulation, increases the elasticity of penile tissue. Moreover, your quality of sex life can be improved.
The most popular remedies are hand-made infusions and rubbing oils.
Infusions and decoctions
No one promises the result will be impressive, but it will be. This requires:
- ginseng root;
- parsley;
- celery root;
- cilantro;
- hawthorn fruit;
- thyme;
- dog-pink fruit.

For a change, you can apply the following equally effective recipes:
- Hawthorn Leaves, flowers and fruits are suitable for this. They must first be dried, and then, by squeezing them, create a tablespoon in two cups of boiled water. Next, you need to insist on the composition and use it as a drink several times a week, at least three.
- Thyme. The principle is the same. Dry, grind the grass, create and drink twice a day after meals.
- Fruit with roses. Dried berries should be insisted in boiling water in a thermos overnight and drunk as tea for at least a month.
Another active agent on the list is a pharmaceutical infusion of ginseng root.
Ways to increase using friction
In order to achieve a penis enlargement at home, you can use manually prepared oils. They can be combined with ingestion of infusions and decoctions. Consider the most famous oil recipe, which involves the use of dried caterpillars:
- dried caterpillars 100 grams;
- melted lamb fat 200 grams.
All ingredients are mixed and rubbed into the skin overnight.
Honey recipe
Not long ago it was discovered that in addition to healthy substances, honey also contains stimulant ingredients that can be used for our purposes. Here are some of the recipes that are common in men:
- A spoonful of ginger is taken for half a liter of water, all this is boiled and a spoonful of honey is added. The resulting soup is consumed inside.
- You can use honey in parallel with nuts, just mix the ingredients in equal proportions and consume immediately before bedtime.
- For 0, 1 kilogram of hazelnuts, use a walnut kernel and 50 grams of pink rosiola and rose powder, and you can also get a finely chopped garlic clove. In the result add up to 1 kilogram of honey and use all one tablespoon per day.
Soda recipes
There is an opinion about the beneficial effect of soda on speeding up blood circulation, so men are actively using this available medicine. Soda can be rubbed into the penis or swallowed solutions. Although, it is worth noting that the effect of soda will not be as expected - small and short-lived. But most importantly, there are side effects. Therefore, before using soda, it is worth thinking a few times and weigh everything.

Penis enlargement equipment
For the most visible result, there are devices that stretch and lengthen the phallus through direct action.
Vacuum pump
If you approach the use of a vacuum pump carefully, you can achieve a very good result. With the help of pressure on the penis, this device increases blood flow to the tissues of the penis, respectively to the cavernous bodies. So you can significantly extend the size of the phallus.

Water pumps
Here is a similar action, only instead of air - water. This method is less traumatic and works on the same principle.
Estenders are intended to stretch the tissue of the penis. Types of equipment:
- belt;
- arch;
- vacuum;
- combined.

The device was created for medical purposes and was used to correct the shape of the male genital organ. But soon his extra property was noticed - an effect on the size of the penis, and a positive one. It is also worth noting its considerable cost and the likelihood of damage.
Penis attachment
You can enlarge your penis without actually enlarging it. How to put a mouthful in it! You can buy them in specialty stores. They are:
- tall or thick - depending on what needs to be grown;
- with integrated vibrator;
- with a relief surface.
Remember that frequent use of attachments can worsen penile sensitivity.
Surgical intervention
The most effective method that provides a guarantee is surgery. However, this method is not for everyone. Indications are needed to perform the operation. In medicine, there are several types of such operations:
- falloprosthetics;
- ligamentotomy;
- hyaluronic acid injections;
- muscle transplantation;
- silicone implants.
What are the indications for surgery?
Indications for the surgical method are:
- micropenis - the size of the penis reaches a length of no more than three centimeters;
- epispadias is a genetic disease in which deformity of the upper wall of the urethra is clearly visible;
- hypospadias - a disease in which the opening position of the urethra changes;
- Peyronie's disease is not a tumor, but also a neoplasm in tissues, benign;
- cavernous fibrosis - where the elastic weave should have been, a more compact one of a different nature is observed;
- severe injuries and various injuries.

What is the cost of such a service?
There are several different schemes for such interventions:
- Falloprosthetics - those who want to perform such an operation must be patient, and most importantly, mean, because the procedure is far from cheap. The cost of implants depends on which implant you choose and which one you expect to get the result. The operation is performed under general anesthesia, the surgeon cuts the sponge tissue and fixes the implant inside.
- Ligamentotomy is another option for surgery, but the effect is not achieved immediately. The doctor should loosen the fixation of the penis by cutting the suspension ligament. Such an operation guarantees an increase of up to several centimeters in length and even in width. However, as the husband still needs to practice with the extender, so as not to miss the result.
- Hyaluronic acid injections are not actually an operation. Several injections of hyaluronic acid have been given to achieve a quick result. The cost of the operation depends on the number of injections and the quality of the acid itself. The effect promises to last for about a year.
- Muscle transplantation - the muscles of the abdominal wall are taken, they are wrapped around the penis. It aims more at increasing barrel thickness than length, and promises an increase of a few centimeters. The price of the procedure has vague limits.
- Silicone implants are the most expensive type of surgery, but also the most effective, it gives an increase in length up to five to six centimeters. Performed under local anesthesia, the cost is quite high.
Spreading myths
Unsuitable methods for penis enlargement include a blowjob, which does not affect the size at all, rubbing with iodine and soda, and taking hormonal medications will also not be helpful.
Blowjob as a tool for penis enlargement
This method does not affect the size of the penis in any way, as it does not dilute the blood, does not dilate the blood vessels and does not improve blood circulation, therefore it does not affect the elasticity of the tissues.
Rubbing with iodine and soda
People say that this method can qualitatively enlarge the male genital organ. The first is guaranteed to warm the body and improve blood circulation, the second dilates blood vessels and thins the blood. In practice, either the effect is not achieved at all, or only for a short time. Undesirable consequences are not excluded.
Hormonal drugs
Absolutely not. Hormonal disruption caused by uncontrolled intake of synthetic hormones can cause many diseases, including cancer.
Let us summarize
First of all, you should always read with available and less traumatic methods. Plan a daily routine for yourself, including a list of required workouts and remember the following:
- stable diet;
- timely and frequent exercise and masturbation;
- arrange a massage;
- folk decoctions and tinctures, as well as daily oils.
If there is little use, switch to more serious measures, such as lubricants and dietary supplements for penis enlargement. It is also recommended to set the equipment aside for now, as there is a possibility of damage.